Friday, February 4, 2011

Talent, Talent Everywhere

With such a diverse group of students, the DSS Sr. Alternate Class boasts a wide range of collective and individual talents.  Featured today is Grade 11 student, Morphia Demosten who has agreed to showcase her artistic talents on 'Alternate Ideas.' Morphia began taking photographs just 2 years ago and in that time has developed a love for film and digital photography. Her photos capture the simple beauty of the world that surrounds her and show a maturity far beyond her age.  To learn more about her photography please visit:


  1. Great images here and on your personal site, Morphia! You've ably captured the beauty and the serenity of our natural environment. The sharper and harder images of the industrialized world create quite a contrast. Thanks for sharing your work.

  2. Great photographs Morphia! I'm glad to see you expressing yourself through your digital artwork. Recently, I have taken an interest in photography as well, however I know I have much to learn and many skills to practice. Thanks for sharing your images. I look forward to seeing more in the future!

  3. Your photos are incredible. Each one tells a story. When I tell people that alternate students are creative and talented, you are a perfect example.

  4. These are really awesome photos Morphia. I really like the one of the skatepark that you took when we went to the Canucks practice. You should keep posting pictures up so I see more more more!
    Ryan™ °_°
