Monday, February 7, 2011

Egypt Needs to Gain Some Stability

The past week or so basically everywhere I go where there is a TV I see the news giving new updates on the revolution in Egypt. I haven't taken much time to really listen but what I have taken in is how insane life in Cairo, Egypt has become. I've seen images of normal citizens carrying guns and weapons, and running around frantically. I've also seen images of mass protest and military forces taking action because the Egyptian police force has quit due to the sevarity of the crisis. Before this incident arose I didn't even know that Egypt had a corupt government and that so many of it's citizens are so unhappy with their quality of life. This whole incident is just another example of how our quality of life around the globe is dematerializing. I find it to be a very confusing concept. If the rich exist so must the poor and it appears the rich just keeps getting richer and the poor just keeps getting poorer. What this world needs now more than ever is equality!

Written by, Fawn.


  1. Fawn, if nothing else the current instability should make us appreciate the relative political and societal stability that exists in Canada. It is easy for each of us to find something to complain about from our daily lives when really we should actually be quite thankful. I appreciate you communicating your thoughts through this blog and I look forward to the exchange of ideas and perspectives continuing!

  2. Fawn, I agree that the world is watching the "unravelling" of Egypt. It is amazing to see how a nation of people have come together to protest, some so passionate that they risk their lives, for simple things that we take for granted.
