Monday, February 28, 2011

Taken For Granted

Everyone in this world takes everything that they have for granted. Kids who get what they want get mad if they don't get what they want. There are kids in this world that would be happy even if they got something that was used. Every day people in this world work all day just so they can feed their family right here in Vancouver, B.C. There are people pan handling for money just so they can have some food. Even teenagers are homeless begging for food. If they go to a shelter they usually have a time limit and many teens can not getthe help they need in that short of time and usually end up back on the streets where people keep on stereotyping every one down there like they are on drugs or have mental disabilities. There are people down there wishing they could have what some people take for granted in this world. If everyone stopped to think of every thing that gets offered to us or what we get every day or all the time we would be able to help a lot of the people who might need clothes or a place to live or anything that many people get. There are people even in the small places that need help but people do not care for them they do not care about anything but themselves. People could make someones day if they gave them some clothes or maybe some food once in a while or volunteer at places that would help these people. It would show that we have so much given to us that we need to think about other people who might need some help or might need medication yet cannot afford it or get it because of how they are. People need to stop and think about how much they have and what they don't have and help some one who needs it more then you.

John Grann

1 comment:

  1. thats very true john, i think that we all need to be a lot less slefish and to think of how just a simple act of kindness can do amazing things, well said!
