Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Salute to the Holy Land.

When the issues in Egypt started going down, I was thinking it was going to be a couple of signs and a few angry people, and according to my local and national news I have been mistaken.  Not only does it make me appreciate what we have offered to us in Canada, but it is also a huge influence on the world.  If a nation can come together to bring down corruption and false government, why can't we?  We are so quick to judge as Canadians that we are bound together, but can we really do what the Egyptians citizens are doing right now?  No, because we have jobs, kids, brothers, sisters, school ect.  We find that more important than standing up for a country that you claim to be so proud to reside in.  We would rather get up in the morning, put on our suit and tie and turn our heads away from the violence, gangs, rape, and child abuse that is happening maybe 20 minutes away in good traffic.  If we must go on with our jobs and school, instead of saying "No, today I’m going to stand for what’s right", then I don't know why I was forced to sing “We stand on guard for thee” every morning for 8 years.   

Written by Jonathan Todd


  1. A well written post Jonathan. Thanks for sharing. I agree, we often become complacent because things are good enough and it often takes a drastic event to induce action. What would you like to stand up and change??

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I really enjoyed reading your blog post Jonathan. This has opened my eyes on how we act like such polite people when really we just put a blind eye to things that are truly bad. Maybe if we stood up and spoke out more, more things would be done about the things we complain about daily. I really like the last line of your paragraph, awesome job.
    -Ryan™ °-°
