Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Perhaps this year is half finished or just half beginning; which ever way you want to look at it. With the remaining time that the DSS alternate students have together, we have decided to create a blog. This blog will include thoughts on everyday life and perhaps some unusual class discussions, as well. This is just the beginning, who knows what you will learn from these alternate kids with 'alternate' thoughts, maybe you will discover that everyone is not so different from each other. Keep an open mind by posting comments, or even just by reading the articles and considering the information you read. We hope to hear from you!

Post by Victoria Williams, Senior Alternate


  1. Hi Victoria,
    Congratulations to be the first to post on your class blog. I love the title!
    I started blogging earlier this year and have found it to be a good source of learning. I learn through reading blogs and I also learn through the process of writing. My blog is called Pacer Post and I try to write about things related to Delta Secondary School and education in general Please visit and comment. I look forward to reading the posts here at Alternate Ideas.

  2. Wow. I love the look of your Welcome page. As a former Alt teacher, former school principal, I look forward to your blogs. Connect and create!

  3. Hey Vic,

    I love your blog - very creative and has your artistic flair. You're a trend setter!

  4. Hi Victoria,

    I think it's great that your class has started a blog! I'm sure that you and your classmates will find blogging a great way to express your thoughts, ideas and perspectives on different topics. Back in the fall I started a blog as well. I have enjoyed communicating my ideas to others and reading the comments that I have received. I encourage your class to check it out at and leave some comments. I'm looking forward to reading more posts from your class in the near future!
