Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Alternate Update!

School is crazy, especially if you're in our class. There are days where work gets done with lightning speed (scorchmarks included), where chapter after chapter gets handed in and our teachers are drowning in paper marked with blue ink.
Then we have days where the work gets put down in favour of class disscussions, music appreciation, art projects, and other enjoyable activities. It can be a challenge to find a balance between the two, especially with the end of the year coming closer and the weather smiling and calling "pick me! pick me!" with its sunny dispostion.
 Often we find our own ways of keeping focused (listening to music, ear plugs, going to the "quiet room") but sometimes we all need a swift kick from our teachers (metaphorically, of course ;) and a little perseverance.
In this class the definition of perseverance is not in fancy dicitonary terms but in names. It's people like Demetri, Jonathon, Summer, Alyssa, Vic, Nikki, John G, Riley, Morphia, and myself. These students make up this class, and without them the world would be lacking something special indeed.